Zorgcirkel Sint Nicolaashof in Volendam
Care center for Volendammers
Zorgcirkel location Sint Nicolaashof in Volendam is a care center consisting of a nursing home section and rental apartments. Most residents are real Volendammers.
In this case, the problems with acoustics occurred in 6 office spaces and in the fitness room. Incatro was brought in to improve the acoustics.
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Poor intelligibility with negative consequences
In this case, the noise problems mainly occur in 6 office spaces and in the fitness room.
The office spaces are small, with high ceilings and hard walls and floors. Several people work on a relatively small surface and consultations are held with some regularity. Reverberation and echo ensure that people cannot understand each other properly and suffer from annoying reflections. The people in the office space have to make extra effort to concentrate, are therefore more tired and may also be more tense and irritable.
The fitness room is also characterized by a hard floor, hard walls and a hard ceiling. The space here is also relatively small. Often several people are working on the devices at the same time, whether or not under the supervision of a therapist. A stay in the room is not pleasant due to the disturbing sound reflections. People cannot understand each other well.

Addition sufficient absorption
For the office spaces, an addition of absorption is advised in the form of acoustic panels on the wall. These ARTpanels were provided with a print selected by the people themselves and with a link to Volendam. This way it looks like a painting and fits perfectly with the rest of the interior.
3.75 m2 of absorbing surface has been added per office.
In the physiotherapy room, a total of 12.7 m2 of absorption surface has been added to remove the annoying reverberation and echo. The acoustic solution consists of a large 10 m2 ARTwall and a beautiful 2.7 m2 ARTpanel.
Would you like to know which acoustic solution is the best in your situation? Then we would be happy to provide you with a tailor-made advice.